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3.3 Commands Built into AmIRC

AmIRC has several builtin commands. Some of these commands are processed locally, whereas others are sent to the IRC server.

Commands generally start with a / to differentiate them from normal text. If you want to use the / character at the start of normal text, use // instead.

Many commands require a channel name as a parameter. AmIRC will automatically fill in the channel name of the current window if you don't specify a channel name on your own.

For commands which require a nick name (e.g. /MSG or /OP, there are three special shortcut arguments:

You may easily carry a dialog with a particular user by first clicking on their username in the user list, then anytime you hit the tab key, the input string will be set up with '/msg <user> ', after which you may type in the message and hit return. This will work after initiating a DCC Chat request as well. Please note that if you have configured the user list as a separate window, you must reactivate the message window after clicking on a username.


AWAYSetting an away message
INVITEInvite a user to a channel
ISONIf a user is on IRC
JOINJoin (or create) a channel
KICKRemove a user from a channel
LEAVELeave a channel
LISTList Channels and their topics
LOGStart Log of Chat Window
MODEChange a channel mode
MSGSend a private message (privmsg)
NAMESGetting a list of names
NICKChange your nickname
NOTICESend a notice to a user
QUITEnd an IRC session
RAWSend unprocessed string to the server
TIMEQuery the current time of day
TOPICView or change a channel's topic
USERSListing users on a server
USERHOSTGetting USERHOST of a user
VERSIONQuery the version of the server software
WHOGlobal user pattern matching
WHOISGet information about a user
WHOWASGet information on a nick no longer logged in

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